Lab Services

ABS offers a wide range of diagnostic laboratory services for solving the most complex environmental challenges, including:
- Microscopic analysis, filamentous ID & total viable counts
- Aerobic, nitrification and anaerobic toxicity and treatability testing
- Specialized chemical and biological analyses
Unique Laboratory Services
ABS has developed a number of specialized laboratory services that are unique to the company, including:
- Floc Former Counts: A method of enumerating floc formers in activated sludge which provides great insight in to the health and activity of the biomass.
- 48-hour Accelerated Anaerobic Toxicity Tests: A rapid diagnostics technique for screening numerous samples of potentially toxic materials to methanogenic bacteria. Conventional tests take 30 days.
- Microbial Seed Source Evaluations: A method of determining the best source of seed for the start-up of a wastewater plant.
- Biomass Blueprint®: A method of isolating the indigenous microbes responsible for BOD removal and floc formation.
- BioBanking: A method of storing a blueprint, which can be used to inoculate a Biofermentor® for reseeding or enhanced performance.